What is Pantheism ? What means Pantheism? An easy definition of Pantheism.
Pantheism is the belief that God and the universe are equivalent (the same thing). A pantheist believes that
everything that exist is a part of God or that God is a part pf everything that
The word `pantheism’ comes from the
Greek word `pan’ means `all’ and `theism’ means `belief in God’.
It’s a doctrine or philosophy that believes
that the universe and everything in it is God is said to be pantheistic. Most
pantheist believe that universe is scared and the earth and nature are divine. Most
of the early Greek philosophers from Thales on to the Stoic's believe in some
sort of pantheism.
Pantheism is an important part of
many eastern religion such as Hinduism, Druidism and Taoism. Some Christian,
Jews and Sufis are pantheists. However, majority of them believes that while
God is in everything, there is more to God than just the universe.