Writing skill previous brief solution 1st Year 2014-19, (14,15,16)

Writing skill previous brief solution 1st year. 2014-19 / Writing skills honours 1st year previous brief answers 2014-2019. 

Writing skill previous brief solution. Part -1 ( 2014,2015,2016)

Writing skill previous brief solution. Part -2 ( 2017,2018,2019)

Writing skill previous brief solution 2014.

a)     a) What is a paragraph?
Answer: A paragraph is a collection of related sentences covering one topic.

b)      What do you mean by linkers?
Answer:  Linkers are words that relate one idea with another.

c)       What is a memo?
Answer: Memo means memorandum which is a short message or record used in internal communication in business.

d)      What is a topic sentence in a paragraph?
Answer:  Topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph which summarizes the main idea.

e)      What is Cohesion?
Answer: Cohesion is the grammatical and lexical linking of the elements of a text.

f)        What does CV stand for?
Answer: The word CV stands for curriculum vitae.

g)       What are the linkers commonly used in a contrast paragraph?
Answer: Common linkers for contrast paragraph are: but, whatever, despite, although, whereas, while, unlike.

h)      What do you mean by an expository essay?
Answer: Expository essay is a sort of writing which explain something to make it clear for the readers.

i)        What is plagiarism?
Answer: Plagiarism means taking someone’s works or ideas and using them as your own.

j)        What is a D.O. letter?
Answer: DO letter or Demi Official letter is one kind of letter used by government officers.

k)       What is a Press Release?
Answer: Press Release is an official statement given to the members of the news media to provide information.

l)        What is Survey Report?
Answer: Survey Report is a formal piece of writing which is based on research.


Writing skill previous brief solution 2015.

a)       What is a report?
Answer: It is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose.

b)      What is a process paragraph?
Answer: Process paragraph is one kind of paragraph that explains something in step-by-step detail.

c)       Write down the names of stages of writing process.
Answer: The stages of a writing process are: 1. Prewriting. 2. Drafting. 3. Revising. 4. Editing and Proofreading. 5. Publishing.

d)      What is a letter of complaint?
Answer: A letter of complaint or a complaint letter is a letter in which someone reports an error about a product or service.

e)      Write down the names of four types of essays.
Answer: Four common types of essays are: 1. Descriptive. 2. Narrative. 3. Expository. 4. Argumentative.

f)        Define minutes.
Answer: The definition of minutes is `minutes are the official written record of the meetings of an organization or group.’

g)       What is Bibliography?
Answer: A bibliography is a list of every work you used while writing your paper, typically printed as an appendix.

h)      What is Terminator in a writing composition?
Answer: Terminator in a writing composition is `the last sentence of a paragraph which concludes the ideas developed in the paragraph.’

i)        What is skimming?
Answer: Skimming is a technique of reading where one looks for only main ideas in a text without detailed reading.

j)        What do you mean by Narrative Essay?
Answer: A narrative essay tells a story about a personal experience.

k)       What linkers are used in writing an example—Paragraph?
Answer: Common linkers used in an example paragraph are: For example, such as, to illustrate, for instance etc.

l)        What do you know about Thesis statement?
Answer: A thesis statement is a sentence which expresses the main idea of a research paper or an essay.

Writing skill previous brief solution 2016.

a) Define cohesion in writing.

Answer: Cohesion is the grammatical and lexical linking of the elements of a text.

b) What is a memo?

Answer: Memo means memorandum which is a short message or record used in internal communication in business.

 c) What is a business letter?

Answer: A business letter is a formal document often sent from one company to another or from a company to its customers, employees etc.

d) Define a formal essay.

Answer: A formal essay is a non-fiction essay which states a thesis and then gives evidence to prove it.

e) What is brain-storming?

Answer: In short, Brainstorming is the process of free thinking and generating ideas.

 f) What are the functions of a topic sentence?

Answer: The functions of a topic sentence are: 1. Highlights the main idea of a paragraph. 2. Unifies the content of a paragraph. 3. Tells the reader what the paragraph will be about.

 g) What is an appendix?

Answer: Appendix is a page which is included at the end of your paper to provide additional information for your reader.

 h) What is embargo date?

Answer: Embargo date means that information cannot be published or shared before a certain specified date.

 i) What are the three main parts of a note?

Answer: There are three stages of note making: 1. Before. 2. During. 3. After.

 j) What is the heading of a press release?

Answer: The heading of a press release is a title which holds people’s attention and clearly tells what the release is about.

 k) What is an expository paragraph?

Answer: An expository essay is one type of essay which explain, illustrate or clarify something in a way that it becomes clear for readers.

Reading writing previous brief solution 2014-2019

Writing skill previous brief solution 2014-19
Writing skill previous brief solution 2014,2015,2016

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  1. I thought I was good at writing essays all through freshman and sophomore year of high school but then in my junior year I got this awful teacher (I doubt you’re reading this, but screw you Mr. Murphy) He made us write research papers or literature analysis essays that were like 15 pages long. It was ridiculous. Anyway, I found DigitalEssay.net and since then I’ve been ordering term papers from this one writer. His stuff is amazing and he always finishes it super quickly. Good luck with your order!
