4th Year Viva Experience, Viva preparation English Department | Try Dot Fulfil

4th Year Viva Experience, Viva experience English Department 4th year, 4th year viva, Viva preparation English Department, Try Dot Fulfil.


4th Year Viva Experience, Viva experience English Department 4th year, 4th year viva, Viva preparation English Department, Try Dot Fulfil.
Viva preparation English Department | Try Dot Fulfil

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4th Year Viva Experience - 1.

This is ‘SAIFUL MUNNA’, the instructor of Try Dot Fulfil. He shared his recent viva experience with us. Let’s learn what he faced:


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Ex: What's your name?


Ex: Ok Khan Shaheb, which subject you like most.

Me: I'm efficient in all but love Approaches and Methods.

Ex: Mention some methods.

 Me: Gtm, dm, clt, slt, tblt.

Ex: Tell full form.

Me: Done.

Ex: What's approach?

Me: Done.

Ex: What do you about gtm?

Me: Done.

Ex: Tell some limitations of gtm.

Me: Done.

Ex: What's Audio lingual method?

Me: Done.

Ex: What is dm?

Me Done.

Ex: Give example of dm.

Me : Done.

ex: Without this subject which one u like?

Me: Classics sir.

Ex: Which part?

me: Iliad.

Ex: What kind of writing is it?

Me : Done.

ex: why the war happened?

Me: Done.

ex: who was the chief of the Greeks?

Me: Done.

ex: You may go.

Me: Thanks sir.

4th Year Viva Experience 2.

Now, another student named 'APPEL MAHMUD' shared his viva experience. He was exited to finish his viva exam. His viva experience is noted below:

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দীর্ঘপ্রতীক্ষার পর আজকে ভাইবা পরীক্ষা শেষ করলাম..

Department of English.

1.প্রথমে Greetings হল।

2. Show your admit card! দেখালাম।

3.কোন চয়েস আছে কিনা জানতে চাইল( American Literature fiction and drama) বললাম.

4. What is Fiction? এক নিঃশ্বাসে বলমাম। কি বললাম Madam কিছুই বুঝে নাই 😁😁Mam, Can I repeat again? ম্যাডাম বললেন No need,I understand.

5. তারপর ম্যাম বলললেন Name some Fiction based on your syllabus? দুইটা বললাম একটা ভুল ছিল।

6. তারপর অন্য একজন Sir বললেন Who is the writer of Young Good Man Brown? বললাম।

7. What is the colour of the Ribbon? বললাম খুব দ্রুত।

8. তারপর বললেন What is the significance of the Pink ribbon? জানা উত্তর টাও অন্যভাবে ভুল বললাম,তবুও স্যাররা বললেন গুড😃😃😃

অবশেষে স্যার বললেন You can leave now.

এভাবেই পরিসমাপ্তি হলো সুদীর্ঘ Honours life এর।


This is the end of his 4th year Viva English Department. Now learn about another student who also faced 4th year viva recently.


4th Year Viva Experience - 3.

Here is another student named 'MD TAJUL ISLAM' expressed his 4th year viva experience with all. His exam was quite well. By the way he completed his 4th year viva English department.


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Viva Experience

Department of English

- Assalamualikum sir

- Assalamualikum mam

Instructor sir(host): Tajul islam, can u hear me?

Myself: Yes,I can sir

Internal Sir: Show your registration &admit card


Ex.. Tajul islam, do you like poem?

...yes,I do sir

Ex.. Who is the father of poetry?

.......Geoffrey Chaucer sir

Ex.. ok, Do u have preference?

....Yes sir I prefer 19th novel &20th poetry

....Name some poems of W.B yeats


Ex2..Have u read Sons and lovers?

....Yes mam, I have read

Ex2..What does the title signify?

.... Sorry mam I cant remember!


..I couldn't hear this question

Internal: Which novel do u prefer?

....mam A tale of two cities

Internal: What are the name of two cities?

.....London and Perish mam

Internal: ok, What kind of novel it is?

......It is a historical novel mam.

Ext1 sir: Let him go mam

Internal mam: Tajul Islam take leave

.. Assalamualaikum mam

That's all. Best wishes to you.

This is his hilarious viva experience of honours 4th year. Now learn about another student who also faced his 4th Year Viva English Department. It’s noted here:


4th Year Viva Experience 4.

This is 'MASRUR HASAN', admin of a Facebook group named ‘English Honours 4th Year Group Study’. He helped thousands of students by sharing his notes and other things. He also faced his 4th year viva English department. Now, let’s see it.


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Ok as many asking FOR Viva experience!!!

Ex: hello masrur can you hear me.

Me: yes ma'am clear

Ex: ok r you ready for answer

Me: yes ma'am

Ex: do you have any preferable Sub

Me: yes ma'am Approach and methods of language teaching

Ex:oh brave got someone different now

Me:(🥶Freezing inside) bit smiled

Ex: what is approach

Me: answered

Ex: what is method

Me: answered

Ex: What is krashens monitor model theory,how it works

Me: answered

Ex: ok masrur can i ask u a question apart from elt

Me:(🥶frozen) yes ma'am sure

Ex:do you like poetry,,mention 2lines of any poem

Me: da da da

...... Shantih shantih shantih

Ex: what are the meaning of 3 Da

Me answered Datta dayadvam damyata

Ex: what are the meaning of these 3 words

Me : answered

Ex:😇ok great you can leave now!

Me: Thank you ma'am🥰

This is his great viva experience of 4th year English department. He is now living in UK for higher study. We wish him a better future.


4th Year Viva Experience 5.

Another student 'SUMAIYA SUMA' talked about her 4th year viva experience. Her experience was much well. Now, have a look what did she face.

দীর্ঘপ্রতীক্ষার পর আজকে ভাইবা পরীক্ষা শেষ করলাম।আমাদের ডিপার্টমেন্টের সবাই কলেজে গিয়ে online join হলাম। অনেক প্রশ্ন করেছে।যাই হোক, শুধুমাত্র প্রশ্ন গুলো তুলে ধরার চেষ্টা করলাম।


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Department of English.

1.প্রথমে Greetings হল।

2.কোন চয়েস আছে কিনা জানতে চাইল( American Literature fiction and drama) বললাম।

3.সব গল্প ও রাইটারদের নাম জানতে চাইল।বললাম।

4. Writer, Earnest Hemingway সম্পর্কে কিছু বলতে বলল।

5. Metaphysical Poet কাকে বলে

6. Metaphysical Poet one famous writer নাম জানতে চাইল। (John Done) বললাম।

7. Metaphysicsal একটা Love poem নাম বলতে বলল।(John Done:Good Morrow)বললাম।

8. Poem tar Line example হিসেবে জানতে চাইল। Sorry sir বললাম।

9. What is Allegory ask করল।

10. Allegory বাংলা অর্থ কি জানতে চাইল।

11. Fairy Queen famous poem টার writer কে জিজ্ঞেস করল।

(বাকিদের জন্য শুভকামনা রইল)


4th Year Viva Experience 6.

Now be introduced with 'B A JIBON' , a student of 4th year English Department. He shared what happened in his viva exam. Let’s see his experience of 4th Year Viva English Department.

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Host (Internal): Can you hear me?

Me: Yes, I can sir.

Int: Show me your admit card.

Me: Showed

Int: Do you have any prefer?

Me: Yes sir, 'Seize the day' from American literature: fiction and drama.

Int: What is the meaning of 'Seize the day'?

Me: Answered.

Int: Who is the protagonist?

Me: Answered.

Int: What type of young man he is?

Me: Answered.

Int: Ok, Thank you. You may leave now.

Me: Thank you sir......

The viva exam of B A JIBON was amazing. We wish him a bright future. Now turn to the next one.


4th Year Viva Experience 7.

Another student of 4th Year English Department named 'ADLINE SHREYA GOMES' shared her viva experience. Let’s see how it was.

Our department head took my viva. She asked me questions from Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching. Questions I have answered were:

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1. What are the few methods of teaching?

2. Which method is known as Army method?

3. Backdrop of GTM

4. Linguistics imperialism

5. Full form of CLT

6. Do you like CLT ?

7. Are we linguistically imperialized?


That were the questions she faced in her viva exam. We wish her bright future.


4th Year Viva experience 8.

Our next one is 'SHOBUJ DEB'. He revealed his 4th year viva experience nicely. let’s have a look on it.


My viva experience

Date: 19.06.2021

Department of English



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External 1 : Can you hear me?

Me:Yes Sir.. I can

External 1: How are you?

Me:I'm fine Sir.What about you,Sir?

External 1:I'm fine too.

Are you prepared for viva voce?

Me: Yes I'm, Sir...

External 1: How many subjects do you have in 4th year?

Me : We have ten subjects including viva

External 1: How was your performance in 4th year final?

Me: My performance was quite satisfactory.

External 1: I've nothing more to ask.Now you(External 2) can ask..

External 2: what's your name?

Me:My name is Sabuj.

External 2: What is your full name?

Me:Sorry Sir..My full name is Sabuj Deb.

External 2:Where are you from?

Me:I'm from Brahmanbaria.

External 2: Have you heard the name of" অদ্বৈত মল্লবর্মণ"? (I cannot write his name in English 😬)

Me: Yes,I know Sir...

External 2: Who is he?

Me:He was one of the greatest novelists who was born in Brahmanbaria.

External 2: Good..What is his famous novel?

Me:Titash Ekti Nodir Nam(তিতাস একটি নদীর নাম)

External 2:Thanks. Do you have any preference?

Me:Yes,Sir...I would like to answer from"Classics in Translation ".

External 2: You will be asked no questions from " Classics in Translation ". Then he started laughing.

Me: I started laughing too😆

External :Can you tell the name of all the subjects of 4th Year with subject code?

Me:Yes,I can. I started telling. He stopped me after telling the names of four subjects.

External 2: Who wrote " To the Lighthouse "?

Me: Virginia Wolf.

External 2: Right. How did she die?

Me:She committed suicide.

External 2: Who wrote " Pride and Prejudice"?

Me: Jane Austen.

External 2:Who is the protagonist of this novel?

Me: Elizabeth.

External 2 : Who is the hero of this novel?

Me: I was thinking and thinking... After some time, I answered Darcy.

External 2:Thank you... You may leave now.

Me: I sighed 😑

4th Year Viva experience 9.

‘SHISHIR KONA’ pen name of a very active student finished her viva exam of honours 4th year recently. It is her experience.

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My Viva experience.


After entering and giving Salam.

Internal: What's your name?

Me: Said.

Int: Have you read O Captain! My Captain?

Me: Yes Sir, I have.

Int: Who was Captain?

Me: Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of America.

Int: Very nice. What is symbol?

Me: Symbol is a collection of image.

Int: What is Elegy?

Me: Elegy is a lyric poem lementing on the death of someone or something tragic events.

Int: Where is the funeral taking place?

Me: The funeral is taking place inside the poet's brain.

Int: Sir,(to external) She is responding.

External: Do you have any choice?

Me: Yes sir, I have.

Ext: What is your choice?

Me: American Poetry.

Ext & Int: Ohh Nice.

Ext: What is the characteristic of American Poetry?

Me: Wrong answered.

Ext: Can I ask you from Robert Frost?

Me: Yes sir, You can.

Ext: Why did Frost choose the second road?

Me: He selected the second road that was grassy and untroden to mean that by selecting difficult way men can be successful.

(May be he was not happy with my ans.)

Ext: He asked something from Langston Hughes but I can't understand what he asked. Then again ask what is Harlem?

Me: Harlem is the neighbourhood in New York.

Ext: There is a poem " I Taste a liqour never brewed. Who is the writer?

Me: Emily Dickinson. (I answered before finishing his que. What a shame!)

Ext: What type was that Liqour?

Me: Answered. But he was not satisfied.

Ext: Have you read T.S Eliot's poem?

Me: Yes sir.

Ext: What's his poems?

Me: The Waste Land. (Can't remember another one).

Ext: What was J.Alfred Prufrock's problem?

Me: (He were speaking, speaking speaking) I told this thrice then he again asked what was his basic problem?

Me: Before saying he helped me.

Ext: Indicating Internal.

Int: Okay, thank you.

Me: Most Welcome Sir. Salam.


4th Year Viva experience 10.

‘MD ABDULLAH AL MUNIM’ is another brilliant student completed his viva exam of English department. Let’s see it.

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প্রথম একাডেমিক Viva দিলাম।

স্যার খুব ফ্রেন্ডলি ছিলেন। যা যা প্রশ্ন করছেন তা তুলে দিলাম।

1. Where are you come from?

2. Who made the shield for Achilles?

3. What is the full name of Rochester?

4. What is the first line of the novel "Pride & Prejudice"?

5. Who represent 'pride' in " Pride & prejudice"?

6. Who represent 'prejudice' in "Pride & prejudice"?

আমি সিম্পলি আনসার দেয়ার চেষ্টা করছি।

সামনে যাদের পরিক্ষা শুভকামনা রইলো।

4th Year Viva experience 11.

‘ESHITA CHOWDHURY HENA’, another one, she also recently experienced her viva exam. She shared it with us.


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viva experience


when i entered in the room,there was just one external teacher 😕

me: Assalamulaikum sir

sir: walaikum Assalam, have your seat.

me: thank you sir

sir: what's your name

me: Answered

Sir : What's your favourite course?

me : my favourite course is classics in translation.

sir: what is classics?

me: classics is the writings of Greek and Latin languages. it included the history, philosophy and literature in Greek and Rome.

sir: very good ( he smiled)

sir: what was the reason of the war between Greek and Troy?

me: Basically Helen was the reason of the Trojan war but the wealth of troy was the main reason of this war..

sir: Do you know, Achilles was man or god?

me: Achilles was half man and half god

sir: good,do you have another choice?

me: yes sir, my another choice is American literature: fiction and Drama.

sir: who was Pedro Romero?

me: Pedro Rumero was a nineteen year old bullfighter.

sir: what is I.W.W?

me: I.W.W refers to Industrial workers of the world..

sir: words or world?

me : world sir 😐

sir: what type of boxer was Robert Cohn?

me: he was a middle weight boxer, up to 120, ohhh sorry sir up to 160 pounds 😴😌

sir: what was your last exam in 3rd year?

me: 🙄it was linguistic sir.

sir: Linguistic!!!! sorry in your 4 th year?

me: ELT sir..

sir: can i asked questions from it?

me: yes sir,you can

sir: what is LAD?

me: LAD stands for Language Acquisition Device.

sir: what is ESL?

me: ESL means English as a second Language.

sir: what is the different between Frist and second language?

me: First language means learners native language and second language means what language learners use after their native language ( maybe i told these definition 😑)

sir: still English language uses as a second or foreign language in Bangladesh?

me : both are right sir.

Sir. No

me: it uses as a second language sir.

sir: No it's use as a foreign language ( actually i didn't understand sir's logic) 😒

sir: Do you read A Tale of two cities?

me : yes sir.

sir : mention the two cities?

me: London and Paris sir.

sir: ok ( then maybe he gave me mark)

me: thank you sir..

4th Year Viva experience 12.

‘NIPA DEBNATH’,  a hilarious student has just met her viva. Let's learn from her experience.

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My viva experience :

Me: May I come in sir?

Sir: yes, come in.

Me: thank you sir.

Sir: What is your name?

Me: my name is nipa Debnath sir

Sir: well, do u have any preference Nipa?

Me: yes sir, 20th century poetry

External : Did you read TS Eliot?

Me: yes sir.

Ext: what is the full name of TS Eliot.

Me: Thomas Sterns Eliot

Ext: Do u read waste land?

Me: yes sir.

Ext: How many parts are in the poem.

Me: five sir

Ext: utter the last name of the part.

Me: "What the thunder said" sir

Ext: How did the last part end?

Me: Da da da Shantih shantih shantih

Ext: What is da da da?

 Me: Datta, Dayadvam, damyata

Sir: Ok, Had u read W.B Yeats?

Me: yes sir.

Sir: what is the full name of WB Yeats?

Me:Willam Butler Yeats sir.

Sir: ok, Who is Falcon and who is falconer?

 Me: Falcon is mankind. Falconer is Christianity

Another sir: ok, do you know who wrote "A prayer for my daughter "?

Me:yes sir, Willam Butler Yeats

Another sir: Then, tell me. What poet wanted from her daughter?

Me: to follow moral values and tradition not beauty,Sir.

Ext: ok my last question, Who is moud gonne?

 Me: Wife of Mach Bride sir.

Sir: good.. You may go.

Me: Thank you sir.

4th Year Viva Experience - 13.

A student named ‘ESHA JANNAT TULI’ faced her viva recently. Here, she shared what was she asked and what was her answer. Read it and get prepared for Viva Preparation English Department.

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Assalamualikum sir.

Intsir(host) : Can you hear me?

Me: Yes, sir I can

Sir : Tell us your registration number?

Me: answered.

Sir : Show your admit card?

Me: showed

Sir : Do you have any preference subject?

Me : Yes, sir I prefer American literature ( fiction and drama)

Sir : Do you like to answer from all text in this subject or any one?

Me: Beloved .

Sir : Who is the writer of beloved?

Me: Toni Morison

Sir : Who is beloved?

Me: answered .

Sir: What is the identity of Toni Morison ?

Me: answered .

Sir : What's the Bengali meaning of beloved?

Me : answered .

Sir : okay . You may leave now.

Me : Assalamualikum .

Alhamdulillah done.

This is the viva experience of Esha, student of 4th year English Department.

4th Year Viva experience 14.

The next legend is ‘D E M BODRUL’ , he also shared his 4th year viva experience with us. Let’s see it.

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Me...Assalamu alaikum

Ec. Wyalaikum salam.

Come here.

Me.. দাঁড়িয়ে আছি

Ex. plz sit down?

Me. Thank you.

Ex. Is Your written exam well?

Me.. well sir.

Ex.How many Subjects do you have.

Me. Ten( all name )

Ex. which parts are well in your written exam?

Me. Classic in translation.

Ex. How many topics in this Course?

Me. There are Five course ma'am.

Ex.. tell me all topics and writer name?

me. say all name

Ex. What's kind of writer do have in this course, Roman and Greek?

Me. Both Roman and Greek writer have in this course.

Ex. Who is Roman writer?

Me. Seneca ma'am.

Ex. Do you any particular choice this course.

me. yes ma'am.. Iliad.

Ex. Who killed Hector.

Me. Achilles killed Hector.

Ex. Why he killed him?

me. Hector killed killed his friend for this reason he killed Hector.

Ex. What's the reason of this war?

Me Helen and wealth are main reason for this war.

ex.who is helen.

me.. Helen is the wife of Menelaus.

Ex. ok we can go now

Me. thank you.

These were the viva experiences of 4th year students of English Department. This will help the next batches to have a better viva preparation.

Best luck all. Don’t forget to share your experience in the comment box, or ask any question regarding viva preparation 4th year.

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