ELT in Bangla, Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching Bangla, 10 lectures, Try Dot Fulfill, ELT in Bangla, Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching Bangla, Importance of Teaching Aids – Bangla, Task Based Language Teaching Bangla, Roles of a Teacher – Bangla, Using Literature in ELT classroom – Bangla, Techniques of Developing Vocabulary – Bangla, Behaviourist Theory – Bangla, Monitor Model Theory – Bangla, Nativist Theory / Innatism – Bangla, Behaviourist and Mentalist Theory – Bangla, GTM - Grammar Translation Method – Bangla.
1. Discuss the importance of using teaching aids in a
language learning classroom.(ELT - Approaches and Methods - 2018).
Importance of Teaching Aids in Language Learning Classroom |
Teaching Aids Bangla.
Importance of Teaching Aids in Language Learning
Classroom,Try.Fulfil, Teaching Aids examples, importance of teaching aids,
importance of teaching aids bangla,teaching aids, teaching aids in language
learning classroom, teaching aids in language learning classroom in bangla, use
of teaching aids, use of teaching aids bangla, importance of teaching aids
Bengali lecture, language learning classroom, visual aids, audio aids, audio
visual aids, Discuss the importance of using teaching aids in a language
learning classroom.
Importance of Teaching Aids – Bangla Lecture.
2. What is Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT)? Discuss the
theoretical principles and stages of TBLT. (NU 2006,13,15,18).
What is Task Based Language Teaching? Discuss the types of
tasks with special reference to Focused Tasks. (NU 2017).
task based language teaching, task based language teaching
bangla, principles of task based language teaching, principles of task based
language teaching bangla, types of task, types of task in bengali, focused
task, focused task bangla, types of task bangla, theoretical principles of
tblt, stages of tblt, stages of task based language teaching, stages of task
based language teaching bangla, task based language learning, task based
learning method, task based learning method bangla, task based language
teaching examples, task based language teaching examples bangla, task based
approach in language teaching, task based approach in language teaching bangla,
task based language teaching method, task based language teaching method in
Task Based Language Teaching Bangla Lecture.
3. What are the roles of a teacher in a language teaching
classroom? (NU 2015,2018).
roles of a teacher, roles of a teacher bangla, roles of a
teacher in elt, roles of a teacher in elt bangla, roles of a teacher in
language teachng classroom, roles of a teacher in language teachng classroom
bangla, roles of a teacher in elt classroom, duties of a teacher, duties of a
teacher in language learning, rules of a teacher in language learning
classroom, duties of a teacher in language teaching, rules and responsibilities
of a teacher, responsibilities of a teacher in the classroom, rules of a
teacher in english language teaching, rules of a teacher in english language
teaching classroom.
Roles of a Teacher - Bangla Lecture.
4. What are the merits and demerits of using literature in
ELT classroom? (NU 2017)
literature in language teaching, literature in language
teaching bangla, literature in elt, literature in elt bangla, using literature
in in elt classroom, using literature in in elt classroom bangla, using
literature in language teaching classroom, teaching english through literature,
teaching english through literature bangla, teaching language through
literature, teaching language through literature bangla, literature in the
language classroom, literature in the language classroom bangla, using
literature in language teaching, using literature in language teaching bangla,
literature in language teaching and learning, literature in language teaching
and learning in bengali, english language teaching through literature,
literature in english language teaching, the use of literature in language
teaching, the use of literature in language teaching bangla, literature in efl
Using Literature in ELT classroom - Bangla Lecture
5. Discuss the major strategies and techniques of developing
vocabulary. (NU 13,15,17)
Strategies of Teaching vocabulary - ELT - Approaches and
Methods of language teaching. (Study guide page: 371)
strategies of vocabulary, developing vocabulary, strategies
of developing vocabulary, techniques of vocabulary, techniques of teaching
vocabulary, strategies of teaching vocabulary.
Techniques of Developing Vocabulary - Bangla Lecture
6. Evaluate the Behaviourist theory of Language acquisition
or Language learning. ( NU 2015,2017)
Behaviourist theory, Behaviourist theory of language
acquisition, Behaviorism learning theory, Behaviourist theory
definition, behaviourist theory of chomsky, behaviourist theory in
bangla, behaviourist theory in bengali, behaviorist theory
bangla, behaviourism, behaviorism learning theory, Approaches and Methods in
bangla, behaviourist theory bangla, behaviourism bangla, Behaviourist theory in
Behaviourist Theory - Bangla Lecture
7. Discuss and evaluate the five hypotheses in Krashen's
Monitor Model . NU 2012,2014. ( ELT).
What is Krashen's Monitor Model Theory? What implication
does it has for second language teaching? Why it is important in Second
Language Acquisition?
Krashen's Monitor Model Theory, krashen's monitor model,
monitor model theory, 5 hypothesis of krashen, five hypotheses of krashen,
Monitor model theory in bangla, monitor model bangla, monitor model definition,
monitor model theory definition in bengali, five hypotheses of krashen bangla ,
acquisition learning hypothesis, monitor model theory definition, acquisition
learning hypothesis, acquisition learning hypothesis bangla, acquisition
learning in bengali, natural order hypothesis, natural order hypothesis
definition, natural order hypothesis in bengali, natural order hypothesis
bangla, natural order bangla, monitor hypothesis, monitor hypothesis
definition, monitor hypothesis bangla, monitor model hypothesis in bengali,
monitor hypothesis definition.
Monitor Model Theory - Bangla Lecture
8. Discuss the nativist theory of Language learning. /
Explain the theory of Noam Chomsky for language acquisition.
nativist theory of language, innatism bangla, nativist
theory bangla, nativist theory of language acquisition, nativist theory of
language development, chomsky nativist theory, innatist theory of language
acquisition, nativist theory examples, noam chomsky nativist theory, chomsky
innate language acquisition, the nativist approach to language acquisition ,
innatism chomsky, innatism definition, the nativist approach, noam chomsky
innate theory,nativist theory in bengali, nativist theory bangla, innatist theory
bangla, innatist theory in bengali.
Nativist Theory / Innatism - Bangla Lecture
9. Make a comparative study of the Behaviourist Theory and
the Mentalist Theory of L1 acquisition. ELT ( NU 2013).
or Compare behaviorism and innatist / mentalist views of
language acquisition.
behaviourism and innatist theory, behaviourism and innatist
theory bangla, behaviourist theory and mentalist theory, behaviourist theory
and mentalist theory in bangla, compare behaviourist and mentalist theory,
compare behaviourist and mentalist theory bangla, compare behaviourism and
mentalist theory, compare behaviourism and mentalist theory in bengali,
behaviourist and innatist theory, behaviourist and innatist theory bangla,
compare behaviourist and innatist theory, compare behaviourist and innatist
theory in bangla, behaviourist and nativist theory, behaviourist and nativist
theory Bengali, compare behaviourist and nativist theory,
Behaviourist and Mentalist Theory - Bangla Lecture.
10. Evaluate the Grammar Translation Method focusing on its
main characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. - ELT (NU 2007,2014,2016).
Give an evaluation of the GTM method on its main
characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. - Approaches and Methods of Language
GTM, grammar translation method, gtm characteristics, grammar
translation method characteristics, gtm strengths and weaknesses, grammar
translation method strengths and weakness, gtm Bangla, grammar translation in
Bangla grammar translation characteristics in Bengali, gtm definition, gtm
definition in Bangla, grammar translation method definition Bangla, gtm
characteristics bangla.
GTM - Grammar Translation Method - Bangla Lecture.