ELT suggestion / Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching Suggestion, 4th Year Suggestion English Department

English Honours 4th Year Suggestion, 4th Year Suggestion 2022 English Department, English Department 4th Year Suggestion 2022, 4th year suggestion English department, 4th year suggestion, try.fulfil, ELT suggestion / Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching Suggestion: 4th Year Suggestion English Department.


ELT suggestion / Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching Suggestion, 4th Year Suggestion English Department
ELT suggestion / Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching Suggestion

ELT | APPROACHES AND METHODS final Suggestion - 4th Year.

Short Questions:             by TRY.FULFIL and LEARN WITH POLASH


1. Why should a teacher know the theories-of language teaching methods? (TBC)

2. What are the goals Of the Grammar Translation Method? (Page 60)

3. What are the goals of the direct Method? (Page 71)

4. What are the fundamental differences between the Audio-Lingual Method and the Direct Method'? (Page 78)

5. Mention the salient/common teaching techniques used in the Audio-Lingual Method. (Page 78)

6. What is the role of a teacher in CLT? (Page 154)

7. Write about the principles of Task Based Language Teaching. (Page 253)

8. What is meant by Post Method Pedagogy? (Page 175)

9. What is meant by Tissue Rejection in language teaching? (Page 188)


10. What are the characteristics of a good language learner? (Page 222)

11. What are the goals and principles of Audio Lingual Method? (Page 80)

12. What are the main techniques of CLT? (Page 92)


*** Try to complete all short questions of SET suggestion.




ELT | APPROACHES AND METHODS final Suggestion - 4th Year.

Broad Questions:            by TRY.FULFIL and LEARN WITH POLASH


1. Make a comparative study of the Behaviorist theory and the Mentalist theory of L1 Acquisition. (Page 24)

2. Evaluate the grammar translation method focusing on its main characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. (Page 63)

3. Discuss the main principles of the Communicative Language Teaching. Why is CLT considered an approach rather than a method? (Page 92,95)

4. What are the roles played by the learners and the teachers in CLT? (Page 98)

5. What is Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)? Discuss the theoretical principles, chief features and stages of TBLT. (See in Try.Fulfil Website)

6. State the theoretical foundation (main principles) of Total Physical Response? What are its advantages and disadvantages? (Page 117,119)

7. What are the roles of a teacher in a language teaching class-room? (See in our website)

8. What are the merits and demerits of using literature in ELT classroom? (See in Try.Fulfil)

9. Define Linguistic Imperialism. Discuss the role of English Language Teaching in Linguistic Imperialism. (Page 239,247)

** Try.Fulfil

10. Discuss the structural, functional and interactional view of language. (Page 15)

11. Evaluate the main principles of behaviourist theory of language acquisition or learning. (Page 23)

12. Elucidate the limitations/ challenges of implementing CLT for language teaching in Bangladesh. (Page 109)

13. Discuss the main concerns and the procedures of the Natural Approach in Teaching four skills. What are the four basic stages of SLA mentioned in the Natural Approach? (Page 128)

14. Discuss the major strategies and techniques of developing Vocabulary. (Page 371).


15. What is Task-based Language Teaching? Discuss the types of tasks with special reference to Focused Tasks. (See in Try.Fulfil)

16. What is "post-method pedagogy"? discuss the strategic framework proposed by B. Kumaravadivelu? (Page 180)


*** Try to complete all broad questions of SET suggestion.



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