Give An account of Sapir Whorf Hypothesis | Sapir Whorf hypothesis summary | Sapir Whorf hypothesis examples | Sapir Whorf hypothesis English language | Linguistic Determinism | Linguistic Relativity.
(Short Points: Introduction, Classes, Hopi, Snow, Tense, Word difference, Solomon Island, Philippines)
Sapir Whorf hypothesis summary:
The Sapir Whorf Hypothesis combines two principles. The first is known as linguistic determinism and the second is linguistic relativity. Determinism states that language determines what we think. Relativity states that the way of thinking varies to the different language speakers. People who speak different languages will see the world differently.
Sapir Whorf hypothesis example: 01:
Whorf portrayed his view taking examples from several languages. In particular, from Hopi, an Amerindian language. In Hopi, there is one word for everything that flies except birds. This seems alien to someone thinking in English.English speakers use one word for many kind of snow. In Aztec, a single word covers a greater range of English notions-snow, cold and ice.
Sapir Whorf hypothesis example: 02:
In English, there are differences in tenses. For instance, past, present and future. But, some languages don't have future tense or some don't have differences in tenses, such as: Hopi. This is the way how people see the world differently. It's language determinism.Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis talks in the point that the conceptual uniqueness of a language can't be explained using another language. For illustration, Hopi and English. There are some conceptual differences between cultures due to language, but the differences are not so great that mutual comprehension is impossible. One language may make many words to say what another language says it in a single word, but in the end the circumlocution makes the point.
Sapir Whorf hypothesis example: 03:
In Solomon Island, there are nine names of coconut where only one name is in America. So, in Solomon Island, people think more importantly about coconut than America. It's the point that the language make people think differently or see the world differently. This thought is language determinism.Sapir Whorf hypothesis example: 04:
In determining language relativity, we can take the example of Philippines. There people have ninety two words for rice where there in America, there is only one word to describe rice. This suggests more importance on rice in Philippines which is less in America. This is the way speakers thinks about a thing differently by means of language variation. And it is language relativity.Read More:
Sapir Whorf hypothesis / Language
and thought:
There are two sorts of theories in linguistics in term of the relationship between language and thought. They are known as mould theories and cloak theories. Mould theories vents language as a mould and in it thought categories are cast. Furthermore cloak theories argue language as a cloak and it conforms to the customary categories of thought. It was fundamental in Neo-classical literary theory that language is the “dress of thought”. But in the romantic era, it was rejected. There is a dogma which tells language and thought are comparable. It also speaks that thought is determined by language.
Sapir Whorf theory is a mould theory. In Sapir
Whorf hypothesis, Edward Sapir and Whorf speak language
determines what we think and different language users think the world
differently. This Sapir Whorf Hypothesis contrasts to universalism of cloak
theory. Universalists reveals that human beings can say anything in any
language and it can be translated into another language. In this basis, they
refutes Sapir Whorf Hypothesis. Moreover, same linguists recognize strong
or extreme form of Whorfian theory, some accepts moderate or weak form
of it.
The Sapir Whorf hypothesis talks about two separate principles. 1. Linguistics determinism. 2. Linguistics relativity.
Linguistic Determinism:
The principle Linguistic determinism vents that our thought is determined by language. For example: When an American thinks about rice, he only get in his mind only one material which is available in his language with the word ‘rice’. But when a Philippa thinks about rice, he gets 92 sorts of rice in his mind because the word ‘rice’ is used to mean 92 sorts of rice in his language. This is the clear illustration of the concept Linguistics Determinism.
Linguistic Relativity:
The definition of ‘Linguistics Relativity’ is different language speaker judge and see the universe differently. Every language has some difference and for this difference, every language speaker finds and judge things in different way. For example: Aztec language speaker judge snow, cold and ice with only one word in their language. But a British see different objects for snow, cold and ice because they have different words to mean this things. And it’s the concept of Linguistic Relativity.
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sapir whorf hypothesis, sapir whorf hypothesis summary, sapir whorf hypyothesis example, sapir whorf hypothesis examples, language and thought |
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