How is spoken language different from written language? Differences between spoken language and written language | Difference between written language and spoken language | Spoken language | written Language | Try.Fulfill
Differences between written language and spoken language:
( Short points: 1.Definition, 2.permanent - transient, 3.across time and space - immediate interactions, 4.complex,intricate - repetition, incomplete sentences, 5.immediate feedback - dynamic interaction, 6.punctuation,layout - timing, tone, 7.unique vocabulary)
difference between spoken language and written language, try dot fulfill. | |
Written and spoken language differ in many ways. However, some forms of writing are closer to speech than others. Below are some the ways in which these two form of speech differ:
Writing is permanent and written texts cannot usually be changed once they have printed or written out.
Speech is usually transient. Unless recorded, speakers can correct themselves and change their utterances.
Speech is usually used for immediate interactions.
Written language tends to be more complex and intricate than speech with longer sentences and subordinate clauses. The punctuation and layout of written texts have no spoken equivalent.
Spoken language is full of repetition, incomplete sentences, corrections and interruptions.
Writers receive no immediate feedback from their readers except in computer based communication. There is more need to explain things clearly than speech.
Speech is usually a dynamic interaction between two or more people. Context and share knowledge play a major rule.
Writer can make use of punctuation, headings, layout, colors and other graphical effects in their written texts. Such things are not available in speech.
Speech can use timing, tone, volume and timbre to add emotional context.
Some grammatical constructions are only used in writing, as are some kinds of vocabulary.
Some kinds of vocabulary are used only in speech. These include slang expressions and tags.
Differences between Spoken language and Written language.
Long Answer:
language and written language are the two expressive style of a language. Human beings invented
speaking system to communicate with each other. After performing their communication
by spoken language, they thought to inscribe their speech and make it
understandable for later generation. By this way, written language
emerged. Spoken language and written language have the same
purpose, although they have several differences in terms of their uses and
features. Some of the differences between spoken language and written
language are discussed below:
Difference between Spoken language and
Written language - 1:
Speech is a
transient fact. When someone speaks, it doesn’t last for long. It becomes
disappeared immediately unless it is recorded. But in case of writing, a
written text is readable and understandable for long if it isn’t erased. It has
permanence. In short, spoken language is transient wherein written language
is permanent.
Differences between written language and spoken language -2:
Another resembling feature of spoken
language is its immediacy and changeability. Normally, spoken language
is used for immediate interactions. Further,
a speaker can change his speech as his motif and replace it with new speeches. Bot
in case of written language. It is used not for an immediate expressions
but it works across time and space. A written text can communicate from generation
to generation. In addition, written text can’t be changed as speech.
Differences between Spoken language and Written language – 3:
In Spoken language, speech is performed
spontaneously. So, speaker doesn’t have any prior preparation. For that, repetition
and interruption happens in speech. Sometimes sentences remains incomplete.
Rather in written language, complex phrases and words and long sentences
are used mostly.
between written language and spoken language – 4:
language has some
distinctive features, as timing, tone, volume, pitch, stress and specific vocabulary.
Written language doesn’t have any sound system. So these constituents
can’t be used in written language. In writing, specific graphics such as
margin, border, color, break, heading, footer etc. are used. Also distinctive
vocabulary is available for writing.
Differences between Spoken language and Written language -5:
Normally speech is performed as dialogue. In spoken
language, two or more people become engaged in interaction. Thus it forms
dialogue. But in writing, one person vents his thought and feelings. Here, he
alone reveals it with ink and paper. So, its form is monologue. Furthermore,
speech is performed in context wherein written language doesn’t have any
between written language and spoken language -6:
Another feature
of spoken language is it comes out spontaneously from speakers mind.
There remains no planning and spoken language becomes less-organized. On the
contrary, written language is an outcome of drafting, editing, proofreading
and writer plans his idea before inscribing it in paper. Furthermore, spoken
language is used in an informal way where written language is a
formal way of expression.
Note written by: Saiful Munna.