Literary Criticism - Brief Suggestion, The Study of Poetry, Criticism Brief Solution, Try.Fulfil

Literary Criticism - Brief Suggestion | Criticism Brief Solution, The Study of Poetry, The Study of poetry brief suggestion, Try.Fulfil

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Literary Criticism - Brief Suggestion | Criticism Brief Solution, The Study of Poetry
Criticism Brief Solution, The Study of Poetry

The Study of Poetry - Brief Solution.

Literary Criticism - Brief Suggestion - The Study of Poetry.

by Try Dot Fulfil.

1. What is the role of poetry in human life?

Ans. Poetry sustains and consoles human beings.

2. What is the basis/foundation of poetry?

Ans. Idea.

3. What kind of writing is “the Study of Poetry”?

Ans. Critical writing.

4. What was the occasion of writing this critical essay? (Study of Poetry)

Ans. The request of T.H. Ward.

5. Why does Arnold say that ‘the future of poetry in immense’?

Ans. Because poetry will offer man spiritual satisfaction in every crisis.

6. What is meant by ‘illusion’?

Ans. Something doesn’t exist in reality but creates false impression.

7. What is the difference between ‘idea’ and ‘illusion’?

Ans. Idea exists in reality but illusion does not exist in reality.

8. Where does lie the idea of poetry?

Ans. Poetry lies in the hopes.

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9. What does Wordsworth call poetry or How does Wordsworth define poetry?

Ans. "the breath and finer spirit of all knowledge and the most impassioned impression."

10. How will poetry console and sustain people?

Ans. By giving answers to spiritual questions.

11. Who was Saint Beuve?

Ans. A French critic and author.

12 How is poetry 'the criticism of life'?

Ans. Poetry deals with the ideas of life, thus it becomes the criticism of life.

13. What does the term 'poetic truth' mean?

Ans. The subject matter of poetry should be true to nature.

14. What does the term, "poetic beauty" mean? Or What does Arnold Want to mean by the term "poetic beauty"?

Ans. Poetry should have excellence of expression and style.

15. What is the best poetry according to Arnold?

Ans. Which has a power of forming, sustaining and delighting us.

16. Who is Homer?

(Brief Solution by Try Dot Fulfil)

Ans. The first greatest epic poet of ancient Greece.

17. What is 'touchstone'?

Ans. A stone used to judge the purity of gold.

18. What is the touchstone in literary criticism?

Ans. The standard by which the greatness of a literary work is judged.

19. What is the touchstone method?

A method of comparison between the great poets of the past with the hew poets in the qualities of their creations.

20. How can we apply this touchstone method?

Ans. We will keep the memorable lines of great poets in mind and apply them in the new poets.

21. How is poetry greater than history?

Ans. Poetry deals with universal human truths, history deals with what happens in reality.

22. What is diction?

Ans. The vocabulary used by a writer.

23. What is the Romance Poetry?

Ans. The love poetry which was composed in middle age in France.

24. What is 'Chivalry'?

Ans. The sum-total of the qualities of the knights in the middle age.

25. What is Chaucer's attitude to life?

Ans. He has taken a large, free, simple and kindly view of life.

26. How does Chaucer present human life?

Ans. Chaucer presents life in its varieties which include both good and evil.

27. Who was Gower?

Ans. An eminent poet of Chaucer’s time.

28. What does Arnold mean by the term ‘high seriousness’?

Ans. Serious treatment of the subject matter.

29. When does a poet achieve this 'high seriousness'?

Ans. When he treats a serious subject in simple and intense manner.

30. Who was Cowley?

Ans. A seventeenth century metaphysical poet, highly appreciated by Dr. Johnson.

31. Who was Chapman?

Ans. A poet of the early Elizabethan period, famous for his translation of Homer.

32. What is the difference between Pope's and Dryden's poetry and genuine poetry?

Ans. Genuine poetry is composed in the soul but Pope's or Dryden’s poetry was composed in his wits.

33. What is the opinion of Arnold about Robert Burns?

Ans. The poems he wrote in Scotch are brilliant but the poems he wrote in English cannot be great poems.

34. What does Arnold mean by "Poetry is a criticism of life"?


35. Whom does Arnold regard as the ideal poets?'

Ans. Homer, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare Milton.

36. What, according to Arnold, is the future of poetry?

Ans. To serve the need of our life.

37. What does Arnold mean by ‘historical estimate’?

Ans. Estimate based on the historical importance of a writing.

38. Define Charlatanism.

Ans. The presentation of false and fake knowledge devoid of true knowledge.

Brief Solution by Try Dot Fulfil.

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